Re-establishing routine after travel

Returning home after a holiday can sometimes lead to feelings of pressure to over-exercise or adopt a strict diet to compensate for indulgent holiday experiences.

However, at Mode Pilates we believe in finding balance and don't advocate punishing yourself. Instead, we're here to provide you with helpful suggestions to gradually ease back into your routine and feel good.

Plan your workouts
Create a schedule for the classes you aim to get to each week. If you haven't already, download the Mode Pilates app and add your appointment on the mat or on the reformer to your calendar. 

Meal prep
Write a shopping list and plan your meals and snacks for the upcoming week. This will give you clear direction during your grocery shopping, ensuring you have the right items in your fridge and pantry when you're having that mid afternoon sugar craving. When possible, meal prep. Whether it's preparing overnight oats for breakfast or protein-rich snacks for quick and easy access throughout the day. 

Slow days
Remember that pushing yourself too hard with strict diet and exercise plans is not sustainable or realistic. Focus on building habits that make you feel good, which may include substituting a higher energy workout to our Slow Flow to Yin yoga practice..... or book a IR sauna session for recovery and relaxation (our fave sauna spot is Rimba Sweat in Neutral Bay and Manly).

Good quality sleep
Sleep is a powerful restorative tool often disrupted during travel due to late nights and jet lag. To feel your best after your journey, get back on track with your sleep routine. Wind down an hour or two before bedtime and aim for 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep. 

Bring a buddy
It's a common human tendency to feel more motivated and accountable when we have someone by our side. Whether you're new to the studio or a seasoned regular - invite a friend or partner to come to class with you (we also have the most awesome friend referral scheme after all). Knowing that someone else is relying on you to be there can be the extra push you need to stay consistent.

By embracing a balanced approach and incorporating these tips into your post-travel routine, you can smoothly transition back to a healthy lifestyle that supports your overall well-being whilst not feeling overwhelmed.


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