Pilates for runners

Whether you're preparing for a marathon or a casual jogger, incorporating Pilates into your training regimen can make a world of difference.

Here are some reasons why Pilates is the perfect complement to your running routine:

Improved Core Strength
Pilates focuses on strengthening your core muscles, which play a pivotal role in maintaining proper running form and reducing the risk of injury. A strong core enhances stability and balance during your runs.


Enhanced Flexibility
Pilates promote flexibility and suppleness in your muscles and joints. Increased flexibility can lead to a more efficient and fluid running stride, ultimately boosting your speed and endurance.

Injury Prevention
By targeting muscle imbalances and addressing weak areas, Pilates helps prevent common running injuries such as shin splints, IT band syndrome, and Achilles tendonitis. This means more consistent training and fewer setbacks.

Improved Breathing
Breathing techniques are a fundamental aspect of Pilates. Learning to control your breath can result in better oxygen utilization, reducing fatigue during long runs and improving overall stamina.


Posture and Alignment
Pilates emphasizes proper posture and alignment, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy running gait. By correcting imbalances, you'll run with less strain and more efficiency.


Mind-Body Connection
Pilates encourages mindfulness and body awareness, allowing you to better connect with your running form. This heightened awareness can lead to improved running mechanics and performance.

Our favourite Mode studio classes we find our runners benefit from the most are Form Pilates and Mode Reformer. Find out more about our class styles here.


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