Hormones, Food and Mood Over 35

Are You Ready to Feel Amazing Again?

Hormones, Food, and Mood Over 35 is your go-to event for unlocking the secrets to feeling your absolute best, no matter what life throws your way. We’re diving deep into the changes women experience after 35 and discovering why a fresh approach is essential in this age group for hitting those health goals. Don't let yourself be held captive by your hormones, I am here to show you that there is another way to be!

Meet Nadia RIhani in Brookvale on Thursday 15th August 6.30pm - 8pm or Mosman on Thursday 15th August at 7.15pm - 8.30pm! Book your spot via Mode Pilates app.

Why You Can’t Miss This

Interactive and Informative: Get ready for a hands-on experience where you’ll not only learn but also engage in fun activities that make understanding your body a breeze.

Expert Guidance: Benefit from my years of experience as a nutritionist and lifestyle coach dedicated to empowering women just like you.

Practical Tips: Walk away with actionable strategies to manage your hormones and health through simple, enjoyable lifestyle tweaks and mindset strategies to help you stay on track. 

Recipes: Following the workshop you'll be emailed through some easy to follow recipes that are delicious and in line with this new lifestyle choice.

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

Hormonal Changes Over 35: Understand the shifts happening in your body and why they matter.

Common Symptoms: Identify and acknowledge the signs your body is giving you.

Natural Management: Discover holistic methods to ease those pesky symptoms.

LIfestyle Tweaks: Learn the small but mighty changes that can transform your health as you age.

Food Focus: Dive into delicious diet adjustments that support your journey through this incredible phase of life.

Meet Nadia:

Nadia Rihani is a  mother of two, a University Educated Nutritionist, International Yoga Teacher and a Strategic Therapist who helps women over 35 that are ready to transform their health by implementing dietary and lifestyle changes that are achievable, maintainable and delicious. 

Nadia has always had a strong interest in health, and as such, wellbeing came easily to her. However,  as she approached 40, Nadia began to find her weight difficult to manage and packed on 10kg. None of the old tricks worked. She blamed it on breastfeeding but then when she stopped, none of the weight dropped. In addition, Nadia suffered from fatigue, an inability to sleep, hot flashes, bad moods and heavy, frequent cycles. 

This prompted Nadia to study women’s health and as such she began implementing new health strategies and eating guidelines, and found that overnight things changed for her. In a matter of weeks she had lost the bloat, the brain fog and in a few months, she had lost two dress sizes.

Even better, she slept more soundly, and felt more energetic than she did in my 30’s!

Now Nadia has helped countless women transform their lives and their relationship with food through nutrition and lifestyle programs and private mentoring.

Spaces are limited, so don’t wait and book via the Mode Pilates app.


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